New Testament Introduction



New Testament Introduction will familiarize you with the New Testament and its background. Essential for understanding the Bible as a whole. Thanks is due to Christian Classics Etherial Library for placing the digital copy of the Textbook(s) online.

Every New Testament Introduction, or Survey, will ultimately not serve all needs. This is simply because every Introduction, or Survey, has to focus on something; and so by definition cannot cover everything. Background, Content, Language, Culture, Theology, Old Testament Background, use of the Septuagint (LXX), etc. are all hard to cover simultaneously. The Hebrew background alone is normally missing because of the simple lack of Christians mastering the Hebrew text. Hebrew expressions abound in the New Testament text and are wrongly passover as Greek expression.

Additional notes and background are provided to help you see what is and is not in the text. That is, what is actual translation and what is interpretation. Words are added in translation and at times require a certain amount of interpretation. All men and women working on the course are very familiar with these things. They will guide you into a greater understanding of God and His Word.


New Testament Introduction, by Louis Berkhof, Public Domain

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