News & Prayer

Charnock Prayer, News & Needs

Thank you for your prayers!

  • The Two Year Bible College Curriculum is complete and now in 290 Languages.
  • The Bible Mastery Discipleship is now in over 1550 languages.
  • New Saint Andrews College CIB’s Divinity Degree will now be accepted by New Saint Andrews College for enrolling in their degree program:  MASTER OF ARTS IN THEOLOGY & LETTERS (
  • Syriac Now Available  The Syriac Bible was the first Bible Translation of the New Testament Era right upon the heals of the Apostles. This will allow for comparison of the Biblical text with the understanding of the Earliest Christians. See what they were seeing and how they were reading and understanding the Bible in the a.d. 100s.
  • Coptic (Egyptian) Now Available  This is the 2nd Bible Translation made in the Early Church Era.  The Sahidic Coptic is Egyptian.  Provides insight into how the Early Church read and understood the Bible and its meaning in the a.d. 200s.
  • Thank you Eerdmans Publishing for a license to translate LEADING LITTLE ONES TO GOD into several languages.  The are renewing the license to print more of these in Mongolian.
  • Wycliffe Associates and CIB are partnered.  They are one of the most incredible ministries on the planet! We provide translator consultants to check the Greek and Hebrew as needed. Please pray for the provisions to have the Translation Consultants on the field.
  • New Missions Curriculum.   Missions IS a great part of CIB.  We are working with White Stone Missions to develop a New Discipleship Curriculum for any ministry.  This Four Part Discipleship Program is being designed to fit any ministry in any location. It is also being designed to cost only pennies. We receive requests to come to the mission field(s) (Tanzania, Myanmar or Burma, Nigeria, Mexico, etc.) and train others. Join with us and White Stone Missions ( in preparing and sending men and women to not just GO!, but to go with a Biblical focus, establish them, and then GET OUT!   Go . . . Give . . . Get out!  No pipelines of money are needed. Rather, resources to Plant the work and make it self-sustainable is the goal.


Looking Back . . .

The SCRIPTORIUM  The Book Store has been remodeled and renamed to reflect more accurately its function. The SCRIPTORIUM houses a collection of manuscripts, historical artifacts and technical works in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, Coptic, Syriac, and more.  Collections include Primary  Historical Texts in Latin and Greek. Ancient Torah Scroll. Students study the Torah in a genuine Torah Manuscript.  There are 3 scrolls of Esther and portions of other Torahs from around the world.  Some pottery from the Canaanites and Romans; and more. The Targumim: These are Aramaic Translations with Jewish Commentaries built directly into the text. They predate the Talmudic Texts and in fact reveal that the Talmud actually departs from the earlier Jewish Views.  The Talmud in Aramaic and English. These contain the traditions which Jesus so vehemently criticized. Reading them explains why.

– We have finished upgrading the building and have a new Storage Unit out back. Thank You God and D.D. All of this will make operations much more comfortable.

– We are partnered with Wycliffe Associates to aid in checking translations on the mission field directly against the Hebrew and Greek text. We plan on developing a portion of CIB to train specifically for the needs desired by Wycliffe Associates on the field. Would you please consider supporting this project of sending our graduates directly to the field to assist in approving translations against the Hebrew and Greek text. This moves the final approval of translation work along very quickly (shortening by 2-4 years) and gets the Scriptures into the hands of the targeted people sooner.

– God has provided video cameras, microphones to record classes in session, upgraded acoustics, and help. This is a great step in placing classes online. The set of lights are also a gift. Please pray as we connect everything.

– For our Bible Colleges on Mission Fields.  These Bible Colleges are the property of the local ministries who operate it. They agree to operate them AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE!  So the initial cost is the ONLY cost. Thank you for supporting these initial costs.

– We are always looking for those whom God is using. If you like what you see at Charnock Institute or White Stone Missions, why not consider joining our team. We regularly need volunteers & servants for specific projects.

Thank you for your prayers!

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